There's so much happening across the Greater Philadelphia Y! We are constantly aiming to connect our members to healthier lives, while also improving the communities we represent. Check this page often for updates from our branches, fitness related content, and stories relating to the mission of the Y!

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tips for overcoming gym anxiety blog news post

Tips for Overcoming Gym Anxiety

Health and Fitness
Gym anxiety is a common phenomenon, especially among first-time gymgoers. It refers to a feeling of fear, worry, stress and nervousness at the thought of going to the gym to work out in the presence of other people.
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Card Game News Post

NEW AOA Game Room at the Mount Laurel YMCA

Health and Fitness
AOA members, get ready for our NEW game room!We have something for everyone at the Y! When you're not exercising your body, you can stop by the game room and exercise your brain - and your competitive spirit - with different games like Bridge, Pinochle, Mahjong, and more!
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toddler gymnastics news post

Toddler Time at the Ambler YMCA

Youth Programs
Let your toddlers experience the fun of gymnastics!We're now offering Toddler Time, an open play option geared toward ages 1 - 5. Toddlers can play openly on the gymnastics equipment with the guidance and supervision of their parents/caregivers.
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