There's so much happening across the Greater Philadelphia Y! We are constantly aiming to connect our members to healthier lives, while also improving the communities we represent. Check this page often for updates from our branches, fitness related content, and stories relating to the mission of the Y!

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YMCA360 News Post

Meet the NEW YMCA360 Mobile App

Health and Fitness
The Y’s NEW app is here! We're excited to launch YMCA360, an app that will replace our current PhilaYMCA app and provide members with more useful features, more virtual workouts, and more access to your membership!
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Swim Team News Post

Tryout for the Willow Grove YMCA Swim Team

Teams and Clubs
Interested in joining the Willow Grove YMCA Hurricanes Swim team? We're excited to begin our summer season and we invite you to tryout to join the team! Our swim teams are dedicated to developing good swimmers and great team members.
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AOA seminar news post

Next Chapter Discussion Group at the Roxborough YMCA

We're inviting our Active Older Adult community (ages 55+) to join our weekly discussion group at the Y. This group is facilitated by Intercommunity Action Certified Peer Specialist, Jim McCabe. Meetings are open to the community. The group is free and registration is not required.
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