Find My Membership
Select your membership type, then select your location to get started!

A family membership at the Y is the perfect way for families to begin their health journey! We have so many options for you to choose from and the kids can explore sports, swimming and so much more!

Check out our membership options, find the one that’s right for you, then start connecting to a healthier you! At the Y, you have access to thousands of workouts, pools, nutrition, and a community of support.
Primary Location
Choose the Y location right for you!

Members Enjoy All This, Plus More!

Access to 15 YMCA locations

Unlimited free group exercise classes

State-of-the-art cardio and strength training equipment

Featured amenities like indoor pools, basketball gyms, and indoor tracks

Discounts on youth programming, summer camp, and overnight camp at Camp Speers

Free babysitting services to ensure that your child is in a safe environment while you work out

Free wellness consultations with wellness coaches that will help you set and achieve your goals

A wide variety of healthy living programs for people of all ages, including exercise, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle support

Nationwide Reciprocity - visit any participating YMCA branch in the USA for FREE!
Additional Membership Opportunities
The Y offers a variety of ways for community members and companies to connect to a healthier life!
Corporate Memberships
A healthy workforce is a more productive workforce. The Y’s Corporate Membership Program is a wellness partnership that offers an everyday solution to help connect your employees to a healthier life.
Take a look at all we have to offer teams large and small!
7th Grade Memberships
We are proud to partner with the Pennsylvania State Alliance of YMCAs in promoting the 7th Grade Membership Initiative, which provides a FREE membership to all 7th Graders.
Registration is easy! Simply bring your current 7th Grade roster or report card, along with a parent or guardian, to any of our locations.
Insurance Partnerships
Healthy is a shared mission. You may be eligible for a special membership through Medicare or Medicaid! The Y has partnerships with Health Partners Plans, Keystone First, Renew Active, One Pass, Silver & Fit, and Silver Sneakers.
Not sure if your plan qualifies? Visit our insurance partnerships page using the button below.
PhilaYathome Virtual-Only
Keeping you active at-home with our Virtual Y! No Equipment, no contract - PhilaYathome is your personal Y. Packed with hundreds of hundreds of LIVE and On-Demand workouts, guides, and healthy living tips you can enjoy anywhere, anytime.
For just $20 a month, there's something to love for everyone.
Policies at the Y
Have a question? Check out our member policies!
Learn more about our member reciprocity, facility policies, our member code of conduct, policies for refunds or credits for membership, programs, child care - and much more!
Always feel free to reach out to our friendly membership teams for any specific questions.