Published: 10/31/2024 - 8:00 AM
Our gymnastics program is moving to a new home this spring!
With a growing and successful program, Haverford YMCA Gymnastics needed a dedicated facility and we found the perfect spot located just a few minutes from the Y! All gymnastics programs and classes (with the exception of Pre-K) are moving to a new center in Spring 2025.
- This new space will double the space the team and program participants can enjoy versus the current gymnasium set up.
- We'll have more space to add additional equipment to support our gymnasts' skill development.
- With more space comes more opportunities to add classes and teams. This means fewer waitlists for interested families.
- By moving our gymnastics program, the gymnasium at the Y will free up and allow for more open gym and program activities beginning this spring!
New home:
4 Raymond Drive, Suite, C in Havertown
Tentative renderings:
Ribbon Cutting:
Are you ready to see our BRAND NEW gymnastics center in-person?! We're inviting the community to join us for a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 8! Click the link below for more info.
Are you interested in learning more about our gymnastics programs? Click the link below.