Rock Your Socks News Post

We're celebrating World Down Syndrome Day together!

The Y is a place for ALL. We welcome and celebrate members of all backgrounds and abilities. Join us on March 21st to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). WDSD is a global day of advocacy and awareness surrounding Down Syndrome and the inclusion and well-being of people with Down Syndrome.

Why March 21st? 

March 21st is symbolic of the 3 pairs of the 21st chromosome that are present in people with Down Syndrome.

Why socks?

Socks are used as a representation because the chromosomes actually look like mismatched socks. So wear your mismatched, colorful, and bright socks to celebrate with us!

Click here to learn more about WDSD.


 All of our Greater Philadelphia YMCA branches pledge to be an inclusive and welcoming place for members of all abilities. 

On March 21, each location will have activities for members to participate in - from KidZone coloring pages, to inclusivity pledge forms, and more! We invite all of our members and visitors to wear their crazy, silly, mismatched, and colorful socks that day!

Additionally, the below locations are hosting special events:

Rock Your Socks Parade

We'll parade our crazy socks around the indoor track to celebrate World Down Syndrome day! This event is open to the public. People over 18 will need to bring their photo ID.


Join the fun at the Phoenixville YMCA.


The parade begins at 1 PM on Friday, March 21, 2025.


Sock Donation Drive

We're collecting new pairs of socks to donate to our friends at En Familia.


Our collection bin is located in the lobby of the Phoenixville YMCA.


Donations can be made between March 1 - 30, 2025.

Rock Your Socks Parade

We'll parade our crazy socks around the indoor track and gymnasium to celebrate World Down Syndrome day!


Join the fun at the Willow Grove YMCA.


The parade runs from 11 AM - 1 PM on Friday, March 21, 2025.

The Y is for ALL. Click the link below to learn more about our commitment to being a welcoming and supportive environment.

Inclusion at the Y

Multiple locations

See event info for location details.
Event Details
Mar 21