Directions to 720 W. Cumberland Steet Philadelphia, PA 19133
720 W. Cumberland Steet Philadelphia, PA 19133
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Why Choose Y School Age Care?

There's so many reasons to choose one of the Y's school age care programs for your child! We have highly-trained and certified staff who care about the well-being and development of your child.

They understand the stages of development for children in our care and structure their experiences to help them meet necessary developmental milestones.

Our Program

Funded Out of School Time and After School Enrichment

Grades: K - 8th

The Greater Philadelphia YMCA, in partnership with Office of Children and Families and The Philadelphia School District, offers after school programs at select school locations at no charge to families. Through a combination of recreational and teacher-led activities, students will be engaged with positive adult role models each day school is in session. Space is limited.

Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

Please submit your completed enrollment packet to or return to your YMCA site leader at your school.

Enrollment Packet

Thank you for choosing the YMCA for your family’s child care needs and we look forward to serving you and your family throughout the school year!

Your child can expect a day of fun and learning!

Sample Schedule

Check-in and Welcome Activity
Snack (Provided by the YMCA)
Homework Assistance
Outdoor Play (weather permitting)
Enrichment Activity 1
Enrichment Activity 2
End of Day Small Group Interest Centers

Activities Included: Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), Leadership Development, Literacy, Service Learning, Health and Wellness

Your child will be guided by our trained, caring, and dedicated staff.

At the Y, we believe that our staff is our greatest resource. Our team all have prior experience working with children and have school-age-specific training to ensure they not only provide your child with a fun experience but a safe and educational one as well.

To ensure your child is in safe hands, all staff members must also pass through a rigorous series of background checks including FBI Fingerprinting, National Child Abuse Registry, National & State Sex Offender Registry, and full reference checks.

All staff providing before and after school care receive training on key topics like child abuse recognition and prevention, CPR and first-aid training, character development and group dynamics, diversity and inclusion training, and SO much more!

We believe that everyone in our community should have the opportunity to benefit from Y programs. Our financial assistance program is central to our mission. Learn more about financial assistance.

Our child care team is happy to work with school administrators to bring high quality programs to new schools. School administrators who want to take steps to having Y programs at their district can click the button below to submit interest.

Get Started

Contact Us

Have additional questions about child care or registration? Reach out to our team!

Phone: 215-220-9199
