There's so much happening across the Greater Philadelphia Y! We are constantly aiming to connect our members to healthier lives, while also improving the communities we represent. Check this page often for updates from our branches, fitness related content, and stories relating to the mission of the Y!

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Insurance News Post

Are you ready for changes to Medicaid?

Health and Fitness
The Y is committed to connecting you to a healthier life, and that includes ensuring you stay connected to your health insurance plan. This is why we’re sharing important information regarding Medicaid changes for Pennsylvanians.
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The Benefits Of Group Fitness Classes

Top 8 Benefits of Group Exercise Classes

Health and Fitness
You've probably passed by a group workout class before and heard the loud music and the encouraging and energetic instructor. You've likely seen class participants smiling, sweating and having a great time getting active.
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CPR Class News Post

Health Training Courses at the Willow Grove YMCA

Community Programs
We're excited to offer a CPR, First Aid, and Oxygen class for our community! This American Red Cross class combines the convenience of online learning with a shortened practical skills session in order to meet both knowledge and skill objectives for learners.
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