No-Cost Preschool for Qualifying Families

The Y is proud to partner with various agencies to offer funded preschool opportunities to families who meet specific criteria. These programs follow the same rigorous standards for learning and development as our private preschool programs. 

We believe early learning is crucial to a lifetime of success, and know these programs are vital to our communities. Our partnerships include:

  • The Pennsylvania Department of Education's Pre-K Counts Program
  • The City of Philadelphia's PHLpreK Program
  • Mount Laurel School District's New Jersey Universal Pre K Program

These programs use the Creative Curriculum for Preschool. A key feature of this research-based curriculum is the “active participatory learning” process where children make daily choices about their activities and teachers help them cultivate language, fine and gross motor skills, and social skills as they play.

Our philosophy is that every child can learn, and our goal is to help each student reach their fullest potential. Support towards that goal is readily available for students, staff and parents. Within that philosophy is a belief that the culture of our schools is an important component of success for all. We are invested in programs that build a sense of community.

Our Funded Preschool Programs

Pre K Counts

Pre-K Counts

Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts provides quality full-day preschool to eligible 3 and 4 year olds at no cost. This program is for families earning up to 300 percent of the federal income poverty level (such as a family of four earning $93,000) who may also be English language learners or have special needs.



The PHLpreK program offers free, high-quality preschool to children who are 3 or 4 years old who reside in Philadelphia County. There are no income or employment requirements. Interested families can apply for placement in this program.

Universal Pre K

New Jersey Universal Pre K

This program offers free preschool for 3 and 4 year old children who live in the Mount Laurel School District. Families who meet certain eligibility requirements can apply for a preschool lottery for placement in this program.